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Trick or treat
October 29, 2011

Pumpkin spice cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, made for the Boers annual pumpkin carving day. The hats are made from ice cream cone ends and a chocolate cookie - covered in chocolate.

Spin art day
August 26, 2011

These chocolate brownie cupcakes, with chocolate fudge icing, were made for a Saturday afternoon of painting and giant spin art with the kids.

Summer Picnic
August 13, 2011

A friend sent me these colourful cupcake papers, so I just had to make something to fill them. I tried a new recipe and for the first time I filled the cupcakes -- with chocolate ganache and raspberrry jam.

The Hungry Caterpillar
June 24, 2010

Something fun for a little girls second birthday.

Bugs in the garden
June 24, 2009

Dozens of cupcake bugs were made for a summer party. A shaped bug pan was used. A sunflower cake was also made, as the birthday cake, and some of the bugs decorated it.

Mom's 80
June 10, 2009

Along with a birthday cake, cupcakes were made to match.

Marianne Reitsma
Ainsley Boers

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